

Playing soccer is more than just a game.  There are many benefits both physical and mental, including those critical “life lessons” like how to win and lose, overcoming challenges, and developing ones strengths. Kids learn from each other as well, how to work as a team – and foster a sense of belongingness.

Contributing to Soccer Assist extends these and other benefits to as many kids as possible.

And let’s not forget their families. If you ever had a kid play a team sport, you know the immense joy of watching them thrive on the field.  Soccer Assist is also about putting more cheering parents in the bleachers.

Sports and athletics are often thought of as “the great equalizer.”   Differences in socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation should be non-factors in sports.  If you can play, you can play.

But first, you have to be on the field.

Your tax deductible financial contributions will make that happen.  And by helping us reach our goals, more kids can score theirs.